Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blue eyes


LOVE this sweet girl!
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That's very Pinteresting!


Seriously...I am in LOVE with you. just don't understand!
Or maybe you can see why I have such an affection for this virtual pinboard based on the photo above. Those binders are FULL of tutorials printed from websites/blogs, recipes, magazine pages....anything & everything that I ever wanted to catalog for future reference. Prior to Pinterest, I Googled searched via, for me, Pinterest is like Google Image Search on crack!!
Follow Me on Pinterest

Will I trash them all? Probably not!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

To Do~ Re Do

Garage entry door
Coo Coo Ca Choo
~family greeting~
(update from May 28, 2011)
"a slang way to assure the state of things is entirely fine;
an expression of reassuring goodness"-Urban Dictionary
"A feeling of elation, happiness...a silly family greeting"-me
(work in progress)
...annnnnnd in progress.....AGAIN.
I actually finished this one, but failed to post an 'after' photo
before my new kitty decided to destroy my door and
my "feeling of elation, happiness"

insert naughty kitty

Kitty is NOT feeling the Coo Coo Ca Choo-iness
of being closed in the garage.

Ugly Cabinet

9/1/11-UPDATE....yep, this is taking a little longer
to finish than I had anticipated...and it's not for the lack of help,
but just the opposite.  Lil Miss Cutie Pie decided
to help me paint the interior of the cabinet yesterday.
She painted.....oh yeah, she painted......EVERYTHING!
So, I'm doing a little clean-up today & hope to get this
sucker up in Pie's room SOON!
This little cutie pie is the proud new owner of a 
 Goodwill "cavinet" that will be transformed into an armoire.  
I was freaking my hubby out with my search for a gun cabinet to redo, so this cabinet had to suffice. 
I have to admit, aside from paying waaay more than I wanted to for this piece,
 I am pretty giddy about my purchase.  
Before getting a migraine the size of hurricane Irene, 
I managed to get one coat of paint on.  
As-is the girls think it's "bee-u-tiful" and little one 
"lufs it so much"
Stayed tuned for the reveal. 
....and there WILL be one,
 I  pinky promise. 

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Monday, August 22, 2011


First day of KINDERGARTEN for lil Bug.  
free b2s printable compliments of 

   Seriously mom, you're embarrassing me!