Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ugly Cabinet

9/1/11-UPDATE....yep, this is taking a little longer
to finish than I had anticipated...and it's not for the lack of help,
but just the opposite.  Lil Miss Cutie Pie decided
to help me paint the interior of the cabinet yesterday.
She painted.....oh yeah, she painted......EVERYTHING!
So, I'm doing a little clean-up today & hope to get this
sucker up in Pie's room SOON!
This little cutie pie is the proud new owner of a 
 Goodwill "cavinet" that will be transformed into an armoire.  
I was freaking my hubby out with my search for a gun cabinet to redo, so this cabinet had to suffice. 
I have to admit, aside from paying waaay more than I wanted to for this piece,
 I am pretty giddy about my purchase.  
Before getting a migraine the size of hurricane Irene, 
I managed to get one coat of paint on.  
As-is the girls think it's "bee-u-tiful" and little one 
"lufs it so much"
Stayed tuned for the reveal. 
....and there WILL be one,
 I  pinky promise. 

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