Monday, September 8, 2008

Clemson vs. Citadel

Tim, Peyton & I went to the game without the 2 little ones. Peyton actually let me pull her hair up in a ponytail and put a big Clemson ribbon in it. Oh how I miss the days of having control of her "look". Maybe I put too many cute bows in her hair when she was little & she's rebelling now?!? Regardless, it was a simple indulgence that made me giddy with happiness .....and I think she kinda thought she looked pretty cute too! We had a good day bonding over something Daddy loves, FOOTBALL!! We tail-gated with two of Tim's friends who brought their oldest kids; lil' Timmy & Ryan ---we ate some yummy chicken & biscuits & headed for the game. Clouds finally rolled in right before half-time and cooled us off a little so we stayed for the half-time show. It was military appreciation day and a rather sad, somber spectacle, but one that made us proud to be Americans & appreciate what our troops and our fallen heroes have done for our great Country.

{Photo to be posted}

The only bad part of the day was that it was sooooo HOT outside! It was supposedly in the 90's, but the SUV that we were tailgaiting at registered at 107 degrees. I didn't know if I was going to throw up or pass out or both! Might be my last game until it cools off just a little!

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