Thursday, October 16, 2008

Comparison collage-October

Ok, so I haven't taken as many comparison pictures as I would have liked to, but I am going to start (fingers crossed). The girls don't look as much alike in these pictures, but Parker just had a bottle and has not been sitting up in her Boppy she wasn't as bubbly as Rylee was in her pictures. There is also a one month difference in the ages.

Parker's Recent Milestones:

*Will be 6 months old on Oct. 21st
*Deep belly laughs when tickled, talked to, looked at, etc....except when she's hungry or dirty, but we can sometimes get her to laugh them too!
*She's still a "happy spitter". Every bottle comes back up at some point! (Ohhhh the bibs we go through!)
*16.7 pounds as of 10/14 - according g to her Pediatrician who she went to for a sinus infection today. : (
*STILL has NO interest in holding her own bottle
*Loves her big sisters & will not grow up understanding what "gentle" means... thanks to her big sis, Rylee.
*Has tried green beans, carrots and peas and seems to like them all. She will be trying sweet potatoes next week.
*Has discovered her feet and likes to suck her toes.
*Has started to wake again in the middle of the night for a bottle, but not every night. Growth spurt, maybe?
*Has mastered the 'Johnny Jump Up' this week and is a little bouncing freak in it.
*Hates the Bumbo sitter, but loves her new babysitter Brittany......who, coincidentally, loves to hold and love on her!
................I guess that's enough updates for now. More to come, I promise!

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