Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper

As I was preparing dinner tonight, I turned to look into the breakfast room to check on Rylee who had walked in the room to put her cup on the table for dinner. Much to my surprise, she was (crawling on the table) busy at work setting the table. She had put a place mat down for everyone & was beginning to hand out napkins...until the doorbell rang. The entire pile of napkins were tossed in the air as she sped off to see who had come to visit. This is typically Peyton's responsibility, but I suppose Rylee had watched enough times lately that she knew the drill. That's my girl! {We had spaghetti last night, hence the "Italian" theme in the background.} Tonight we had chicken kabobs, potatoes, fresh corn on the cob and peas! Like mother, like daughter, Rylee is a meat & potatoes kind of girl, but tonight we couldn't cut the chicken up & place it on her plate fast enough. My cooking skills must be improving!?! Of course, 2 yr olds are the ficklest eaters, so maybe, maybe not. I looked over at Peyton who was gnawing the chicken off the skewer like a cob of corn. Okay- so maybe it was a success! SECONDS AND CLEAN PLATES two nights in a row! woo~hoo

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