Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Positve Pondering for Tuesday

I'm always negative, or realistic, as I like to call it. For once, I'm going to look at the positive side of something. I think I broke my middle toe a few weeks ago. It still hurts a little, but I just realized that with enough practice, I can flip a-holes off with my right foot & no one else is the wiser. Keeps the road rage down that way. Pretty sight, huh? Almost as bad as the Sweet Citrus Tilapia . lol
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Jodi said...

How funny! I have itty bitty toes, so no luck with flipping here! The girls are growing so quickly! Super cute jug craft! You might know Craig took the recycling yesterday, but we go through lots of milk around here with my kids! Can't wait to do it! Take care!

amy said...

Yeah, I think the sweet citrus tilapia still wins...