Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Little Martha?

Okay, so the quality of the video is poor, but I couldn't resist capturing this moment on video.

R had been playing with her Play-Doh on the kitchen floor (because we don't play with it on the LR carpet anymore!!) and I overheard her singing the Clean Up Song. I wasn't really paying much attention because I could see her out of the corner of my eye & knew she wasn't getting into something that was off-limits. The next thing I hear is the electric floor sweeper. I peeked in on her & she had stacked all of her Play-Doh neatly in the PD basket & was pushing the sweeper around the kitchen. She stopped for a second and asked me, "Is it too loud Mama?", then went about her merry way until EVERY piece of PD was off the floor.

It was sooooo cute! My own Little Martha. Sniff, sniff, I think I'm going to tear up with immense pride. I gave her the biggest hug after I picked my jaw up off the floor. LOL


Allyson said...

She is just too cute, and helpful! Is that a real vacuum?! Cole has a little play one that I wish really worked so he could help out a little! ;) I hope you all are doing well.

Valerie said...

Yes, it is real. She turned into little mommy today- scary! She helped clean up Daddy's spilt beer tonight. LOL Patting the carpet dry like a little Pro!!

RN Student In The Raw said...

Wow she proved that it is capable to clone yourself. That was too cute!