Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wild Hair Wednesday

Painting with Annie Sloan, Kids & Kitty

I promised the girls that I would let them help me paint the
 table base that I bought at a yard sale last weekend.  
They were so excited to finally get to help 
mommy paint a piece of furniture. R thought that the table 
was looking so "coo-ooo-ewl". 
Muffin was over-seeing the job to make sure the girls 
didn't get too wild & crazy. 
I think the girls did a pretty good job.  
Annie Sloan paint is pretty forgiving...... 
so I didn't have to worry about streaks or drips
or the girls just making a mess, in general. 
AS is pretty easy to wash off skin too, 
but I have a secret weapon that I will share in another post
for removing AS, spray paint and latex paint.  
I can't wait to sand & wax this piece.  
More pictures to follow of the finished product.
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1 comment: said...

Can't wait to see the finished product! Love, Me