Thursday, September 25, 2008

Me? Cook?? Ok, stop laughing!

Ok, so I met with my "mom group" Tuesday night at Dream Dinners to assemble a free meal and, let's face it, get out of the house for some much needed 'me' time. I ended up assembling 3 dinners {Sweet Citrus Tilapia with Jasmine Rice, Glazed Pork Chops and Sweet Cider BBQ Chicken} I let Tim & Peyton choose which meal they wanted to try the following night and the Tilapia was the pick of both. Hahahahaha. Again, I say, "Me? Cook??" So, Wednesday night I gave my best Girl Scout effort and Peyton jumped on the chance to document the moment with my camera. I'm always the one behind the camera, so this was obviously a BIG moment for my typically, Hamburger Helper or frozen pizza fed family. I followed the recipe card to the minute detail and tried to make the food look pretty on the plate. I even scooped the rice with an icecream scoop to make it look pretty too. Ok, so I need a little more practice!! The rice was oddly crunchy AND gummy, the glaze was a little strong..almost like it was all orange juice concentrate with a touch of garlic, the fish was, well, fishy. Tim, being the "food stylist" that he is commented that the fish was probably supposed to be on the bed of rice, not beside it. Well duh, fish can't lay on two balls of rice, right? So we smooshed (is that a word?) the rice flat & neatly place it upon it's fluffy (yeah right) bed of rice. I have to say that Tim was onto something. $#@&, did I just give him credit for something or admit that he was right? {He doesn't read my blog, so this is just between us and the rest of the world, ok?? ok!}

So, enough with the details. Here is the meal that I created Wednesday night.

Ok, so I posted the picture of me 1st thinking I could con you into thinking that I worked really hard on this meal as evidenced (??) by the bags under my eyes and the thrown together, no make up, no time for a hairstyle ponytail, look. Did it work? Um, don't look too closely at all the crap around me either. We've been in our house for nearly 2 years and just bought a new table for the Breakfast room aka useless, waste of space, Crap Room.

Looks pretty disgusting, huh? Hey, atleast it's not on a paper plate! The boring white plates did nothing for the appearance of this meal, but all in all, it wasn't so bad!! I'm looking forward to trying one of the other meals next week. Oh, and it WILL be fancy shmancy lookin' even if it doesn't taste good. I ♥ packaging. I'm a sucker for pretty packaging and could care less what's inside sometimes. BTW---if you get a really cool, awesomely wrapped gift from me....sorry, but the gift will pale (suck) in comparison to the "package". Happy, Merry's a gift! Might even be a baked goodie. 'Cause I'm a big bad chef now.
One more BTW--- Rylee slept through dinner. She wouldn't have eaten it anyway. When she finally got up, she got Goldfish. Tilapia? Golfish? Hmmm, I'm going with the Goldfish next time.
**Thursday, I made the one thing I do make pretty well which is crockpot Pot Roast. Ummmm-ummm-umm. Man, was it good!


Anonymous said...

Valerie...I don't think it's supposed to look like this... LOL! And you want to go again!?

Unknown said...

I was lucky enough to get in on the pot roast night, yummy. Keep up the good work, I will be happy to come over any night to test your cooking
Love Mom