Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Parker's Milestones

I haven't blogged in a few weeks and Parker has grown so much and is passing milestones left and right. We have to go to the pediatrician tomorrow for her 9 month shots (ouch!)
So far, Parker:
*says da-da-da
*sits without support (week before Christmas)
*sits up by herself (week after Christmas)
*is attempting to crawl (first week of January)
*is improving crawling skills (this week)
*loves her big sisters- she smiles ear to ear when they walk in the room
*is very vocal- says "ah-ah-ah" to communicate with everyone. She "thinks" she is carrying on a conversation! LOL
*will repeat "ah" when "ah" is spoken to her
*is chewing on "everything"
*cut first tooth on Monday, January 12th
*cut 2nd tooth on Tuesday, January 20th
*LOVES her Jumperoo- will jump for 3-45 mins. non-stop
*loves to reach for faces & explore
*started pulling up on furniture- the coffee table is her favorite spot
*likes to roll under the coffee table & "try" to sit
*doesn't like to get stuck under the coffee table
*holds her bottle by herself - whew, I didn't think this would ever happen!

.................and much more!

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