Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We went to Babies R Us Saturday
to let Mac. see Santa.
She was scared of him last year.
Not only was she NOT scared of him this year,
she LOVED Santa & could not get enough of him.
She followed him around everywhere & talked to him like they were
long lost friends. She even shared him with
little sis for a few minutes. Pie, on the other hand, was
not quite as enamoured. She was ok until she realized that
she was looking at a man...and she was done! She lost it!
(She is not a big fan of men these days!!)

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Oh, how SWEET! When K was R's age she was screaming like a crazy woman! Needless to say the picture from two years ago is quite priceless. You are so kind to offer to take care of the kids and feed the masses. We are actually doing ok balancing it all. Thank goodness Craig is a good cook and jumps right in when I run out the door to go to the hospital. My best bud lives down the road in Easley (Angel) and she has helped me out with the kids a few times. Don't worry if I get in a bind I will remember your offer! Thanks so much! We don't have any other family that has offered as much as you and it really means a lot! Daddy is doing so much better than the last two days! He has worried us all to death! I believe we witnessed a miracle around 8pm yesterday. He got up from two days of being in the bed and wanted to walk down the hall. Today was wonderful - thank the good Lord! Take care and keep in touch!